Benron Taikai is a Japanese recitation competition held annually in April in Prague.
Benron Taikai is organized in cooperation with the Czech-Japanese Embassy, the Czech-Japanese Society, the Japan Association, the Japan Center in Brno, the Association of Japanese Teachers in the Czech Republic, supporting organizations and countless volunteers.
Starting with the 39th season, the original two levels of Benron Taikai have split, and we nowadays encounter three levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced.
Normally, students are divided according to their academic achievements.
The competitions offer participants the opportunity to prepare and deliver a formal speech about their experiences, thoughts or opinions and gain experience in public speaking in Japanese. After their speech, each contestant will answer several questions about their speech. A panel of expert judges will evaluate the accuracy of the language used, the engagingness of the speech and the answers, and the best participants will receive prizes in kind; all participants will receive participation prizes.
18 Japanese students at the speech contest and 10 Japanese learners at the composition contest showed their daily learning achievements.